在不漂白,不剥落,不刺激的情况下, 由根剔除黑斑,色素沉澱,雀斑等等。
採用源自松树的法国美疗技术Pheylethyl Resorcinol (苯间苯二酚)以分解酪氨酸酶, 令麦尔寧色素不能合成,黑色素无法产生并其超级抗氧化特性皮肤的细胞内发挥抗氧化效果,令皮肤细胞更活跃,以外并加入韩国科技的精粹( Cyclohexanediol Bis - Ethyihexanoste) 环已二醇二辛酸,此成份抑制皮肤之訊息细胞,此细胞不会传达訊息于麦尔寜色素细胞因而阻止黑色素分泌从而在此双重抑制之下,更加保证了控制黑斑的效果.
D'Kingz Lightening Emulsion 有效突擊黑色素,并阻擋紫外線,抑制酪胺酶活性,對已生成的黑色素進行還原,改善微循環.
Hydrating魔法面膜精华液快速渗透肌肤底层, 给予保湿补水和锁水,發揮最強的補濕、抗氧及恢复活力同时保護肌肤, 迅速複完肌膚的天然保護膜,均勻膚色,令肌膚更透亮水嫩緊緻亮白.
特點:当黑色素進行还原美白過程中,必須配合Magic Hydrating 魔法面膜加以提升細胞补水,切記:必須配合此魔法面膜
D'Kingz Lightening Elmusion effective assault melanin, and block ultraviolet rays, inhibit tyramine activity, have been melanin to restore, improve microcirculation.
At the same time the effective completion of four kinds of whitening mechanism: reducing whitening, metabolic whitening, whitening and destroy melanoma blocking the source, four steps to create white beautiful skin!
Magic Mask Hydrating Essence rapid penetration of the underlying skin, moisturizing and lock water given to play the strongest moisturizing, antioxidant and rejuvenating the skin while protecting the natural protective film quickly complete complex skin, even out skin tone, leaving skin supple and more translucent Compact white.
Features: When restore melanin whitening process, must magic with Magic Hydrating Mask be upgraded cell water, remember: You must meet this magic mask
Wechat: sukyliew2012