
DrKing 改变您的肌肤,这是铁一般的事实!

Dr. King抗衰活化雾内的液态远红外线更能釋放4-21μm波長,如同太陽光線中的生育光波,在皮肤细胞里達到共频共振現象,提高血液和淋巴液的新陳代謝效率, 改善人體微循環系統。同时促进血液輸送養分,修復組織及幫助清除皮肤內的各類有害病菌,分解毒素。


DR.KING ANTI-AGING SPRAY also contains minerals that could emit far infrared of 4-21 μm wavelength, which is similar to the electromagnetic radiation that contain in the sunlight that brings life on earth. That helps to synchronic the right frequency and produce a harmonious resonance between the good ingredient in DR.KING ANTI-AGING SPRAY and the cells in our body.  This will lead to healthy metabolic rate and improve both of our blood and lymphatic circulation tremendously. As a result, nutrients will be delivered to every part of our body effectively, promote cell protection and growth.With the perfect combination of the powerful natural resources and the revolutionary technologies, your cells will be recharged with good energy and restored with the right nutrients and minerals in no time.  Rest assured that your skin will be safe from harm, say good bye to acne, dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles and droopy skin because, next thing you know, you are young again!

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